6 Helpful Insights Your Exposure Reference Sheet Reveals

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Your negatives are your road map to understanding the relationship between your exposures and your scans. Exposure Reference Sheets are included with every roll of Signature Process + Scan. They provide a thumbnail of each frame, allowing you to clearly and easily see how you exposed your film, and they clue you in on any camera or film issues. Think of them like a digital contact sheet!

How to Read Your Exposure Reference Sheets

First, download our Exposure Reference Sheet Guide (currently available for Portra400). Open it up alongside one of your Exposure Reference Sheets.

Now, look at the density of each frame in your Exposure Reference Sheet and compare it to the guide. Try to find which frame (-1, Box Speed, +1, etc.) it matches best. This is your general exposure.

Next, look at the consistency of your exposures from frame-to-frame. Do all the frames appear to be the same relative density, as they do in the 120 and 35mm above? If so, great! This means your exposures are consistent—and consistent exposures help you receive consistent scans!

To help you further understand your exposures, refer to the exposure data, if your medium format camera imprints it.

Film Stock References

These exposure guides are designed to help you learn a film stock’s characteristics and exposure latitude. They help you to dial in on the best exposure for you. Use them as a reference when shooting a new film stock or studying your own exposures!

Click each guide to enlarge. Once open, right click (if on a desktop) or long press (if on a touchscreen) to download.

Color Film

Kodak Ektar 100

Kodak Portra 160

Kodak Gold 200

Fujifilm 200

Kodak Portra 400

Kodak Portra 800

Black + White Film

Ilford FP4 125

Ilford XP2

Ilford HP5 400

Kodak T-Max 400

Kodak Tri-X 400

Ilford Delta 3200